Interesting thoughts

The louder the volume in a horror movie, the more horror you experience. Mute it and it becomes a comedy.
I don't like watching a series on my phone because I can't mess around on my phone while watching the series.
As a loyal customer, I feel really ripped off when companies have a promotion for new customers but offer nothing for customers who have been with them for years.
If you froze an egg and threw it through somebody's window while they're not in, they would come home to a broken window and a raw unscathed egg and wonder how the hell it happened...
Who ever started the tradition of the groom not being allowed to be present while the bride shops for the wedding dress should be awarded a nobel peace prize.
Regret is the wet sock you get from not picking up the bit of ice that fell on the kitchen floor 15 minutes ago
Every time I find a new favorite song and eagerly check out the artist/band for more, it turns out that's the one song that's different from the whole rest of their career
Constantly driving stolen cars in GTA must be so uncomfortable since everyone's seat and mirrors are adjusted to the owner's liking.
Pulling an earbud out when you see a friend is like the modern equivalent of tipping your hat.
George Washington led an army against Great Britain so that one day we could stuff tiny portraits of him into stripper's underwear
Every bullet ever fired since my birth has missed me by a certain number of meters. I wonder what the lowest number is.
Despite doing good things, Spiderman being disliked by his city is like a metaphor for spiders eating flies but still being hated by humans.
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