YouTube began the war on adblockers


TMS Founder
Hopefully they'll never be able to catch up completely. However, just now I had to WAIT until a pop-up disappeared.

So far, simply clearing the cache and redownloading the filter lists works for me. Although I've noticed any YT pages sometimes being incredibly slow to load...

I've also been looking at Piped replacer plugins. Basically, they replace any link with, which eliminates all ads. Problem is, it also replaced the YT homepage, which removes a lot of discoverability.

Maybe I should try to build my own plugin. See if I can't make it so only links with the part get replaced by a Piped link.
YouTube blames ad blockers for slow load times, and it has nothing to do with your browser | The delay is intentional, but targeting users who continue using ad blockers, and not tied to any browser specifically.

YouTube blames ad blockers for slow load times, and it has nothing to do with your browser | The delay is intentional, but targeting users who continue using ad blockers, and not tied to any browser specifically.

"Yeah, adblockers are causing the slow load times! That sleep(10000); is only triggered when it detects an adblocker, so this is your own fault!"
"Yeah, adblockers are causing the slow load times! That sleep(10000); is only triggered when it detects an adblocker, so this is your own fault!"
Pretty much exactly what's happening.
I do get that they need money and want to make a profit, but I'm really against the trend of running for years, decades even, only to then start charging / forcing people. The whole "make losses, but gather an enormous amount of users" strategy is one I strongly dislike.
Damnit, pretty smart from them though.
It's where Vimeo always had the edge.

Gotta say - it's now Februari, and my regular Firefox + uBlock Origin is still holding fast against YT ads. The problem is my TV - it's running on that crappy LG Smart TV OS garbage, so I can't install any unofficial apps. And of course the regular version of YT is just absolutely loaded with apps. If I have to hear that incredibly annoying ad about "we buy your car!" one more time....

I tried installing a piHole in my network, but I have a corpo modem, tied directly to my ISP. And they apparently don't trust me with setting it up properly, so they don't allow me to change the DNS settings - which makes the whole piHole setup useless.
To Stybar,

The best way to solve it on tv is by using an android device and sideloading an app like smarttube or something. Any official youtube app on your network does not honor your dns settings, even blocking dohs (dns over https) yt still finds a way out of your network.

On not using your ISP's dns, you could probably access the router and turn off the dhcp server. Doing this means you would have to enable dns/dhcp in pihole.
To Stybar,

The best way to solve it on tv is by using an android device and sideloading an app like smarttube or something. Any official youtube app on your network does not honor your dns settings, even blocking dohs (dns over https) yt still finds a way out of your network.

On not using your ISP's dns, you could probably access the router and turn off the dhcp server. Doing this means you would have to enable dns/dhcp in pihole.
I'm doing exactly this @Stybar , through a Nvidia Shield Pro.
You probably can find something a lot cheaper, I just really wanted Dolby Vision.
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