What was the first video game console you ever owned?


TMS Founder
What was the first video game console you ever owned?


Titlle says it all.

Mine was a PS2, I was late, before that Game Boy Classic, Color & Advance. (<- I don't consider those 'consoles')
Sega Genesis/Game boy Classic.

Then a Game boy Color

Then a PS1 which I later got a mod chip for

Then a PS2

Then an xbox

Then a 360

Then a Ps3

And now ive built my own gaming computer. Got rid of all of the rest except for the game boys and the PS3.
I owned a sega genesis first w/ like 3 games.
Then I owned a gameboy color
Then a PS2.
Then a PS1.
Then a PC.
Then a PSP.
Then a PS3.
Also, as a friend pointed out to me one day:
Console games is to some extent, a misnomer, as you can't access the console but in PC games, you can, but people don't consider the PC a console. :tongue:
NES Here :3
Then PS2, and then smartened up and went to PC gaming only. Except I still play my NES a bit
I've had PC since like 5 years old xD. But console: NES, then N64, then Gameboy advance, then Playstaion 1, then Playstation 2, then PS3, then Xbox 360. (I played PC through all these times).
Oh you guys. I only had a 360, then smartened up and changed to PS3, then got a cool PC in the meantime and now I'm all into it.
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