What is the most useless key on your keyboard?


TMS Founder
Topic title says it all.

What is, for you, the most useless key on your keyboard. This can be a key that you never used, or a key that has no function assigned at all!

For me, it's F9

What is your most useless key?
I use Every button except for the Right Win key and the Scroll Lock key.

And I don't have any idea what it does ether >.<.
If you press scroll lock hey you can move the page up and down with the mouse itself and not with the middle thingy.
The windows key. There are some key shortcute with that key, but I dont need any of them.
I don't use these 54289516713 of function keys on my keyboard except the shutdown one (It's awesome!) and teh sound controlz

Oh, andyes, I think the Scroll Lock. But I'm using it sumtimes since I got XFire
The most useless button on my keybord is, a key that has no pic on it, so therefor it's useless. and does nothing.
i just found a key that right clicks its between left alt and ctrl just noticed it now
DaDeathgod said:
i just found a key that right clicks its between left alt and ctrl just noticed it now
I have been known that lol:tongue: I use it sometimes like when i do a spelling mistake I use the arrowkeys and press that key :tongue:
I used that when I got my friends old 98, it didn't have a USB socket for my mice :tongue:.
I never use Num Lock cuz i got 3 laptops and i don't have a Num Pad on any of them ROFLMAO.
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