What do you hate most in video games?


TMS Founder

  • Cutscenes you can't skip.
  • Escort missions where the AI walks too damn slow.
  • DLC at the game launch. (they shouldn't keep stuff from the game just so they can charge you more)
Re: What do you hates most in video games?

DLC is a bastard indeed. (Damn you EA!)
  • AI in escort missions that attack the enemy, and then yell "Help me, help me!"
  • Certain challenges that are hard as fuck, and everytime you restart, the dickhead announcer, or person who gave you the challenge keeps saying the same fucking thing
  • Sloppy controls
  • Sloppy camera controls (enemies are in your blindspot, and you can't do shit about it)
  • Shitty gameplay (I mean, having to enter a fucking 15 button long input just to jump of a cliff? C'mon).
At the moment I can only think of this:

  • NPC what you have to follow walks/runs slower than you.

Mauri said:
At the moment I can only think of this:

  • NPC what you have to follow walks/runs slower than you.


Red Dead Redemption has fixed this <3
Another thing I hate is games that have a part with over-sensitive controls, for example the RC mission in Vice City, one click to the right and you moved about 3 metres.

You know what I mean. Making online stuff a mandatory part of a game, and then fuck up the online part.

Simcity. Only playable online, but the servers are fucked up
Most Wanted II. Single player was alright. It looks cool, and is fun to play, but it gets boring after a while. Online is the same. Fun for 30 minutes, but then it gets boring.
Mass Effect 3. Online play was required to get the "best" ending scene (which still sucked). Online was decent, but skillsets were different from the singleplayer, creating a different gameplay.
-No health bar that they show you nor a screen that turns red(they've done this trust me, you have no idea how much health you have until you die, and once you do they show a re-spawn/retry screen with no death animation. It was hell.)
-AI that stops moving towards it's destination
-AI that your supposed to protect, but runs into the enemies
-Cutscenes that repeat every damn time you die, just cause the "checkpoint" was before the cutscene.
Princerazor said:
-AI that you're supposed to protect, but runs into the enemies

Come to think of it, Brink has done this nicely. AI that you're supposed to protect run into enemies, keep on going (and get shot down), but when they are down, you can revive them. Creates a new sort of gameplay, having to clear the way further before you can continue, but not forcing you to redo the same thing over and over.

- BUGS. Mostly in Fallout and Elder Scrolls, something goes wrong, some flag is wrong, and you can't complete a quest. GAWD.
- Skyrim has some quests, like at the end of the Dark Brotherhood questline, or at the end of the Companions, that appears in your journal saying "Ask for more jobs" AND IT WON'T GO AWAY.
Stybar said:
Princerazor said:
-AI that you're supposed to protect, but runs into the enemies

Come to think of it, Brink has done this nicely. AI that you're supposed to protect run into enemies, keep on going (and get shot down), but when they are down, you can revive them. Creates a new sort of gameplay, having to clear the way further before you can continue, but not forcing you to redo the same thing over and over.

- BUGS. Mostly in Fallout and Elder Scrolls, something goes wrong, some flag is wrong, and you can't complete a quest. GAWD.
- Skyrim has some quests, like at the end of the Dark Brotherhood questline, or at the end of the Companions, that appears in your journal saying "Ask for more jobs" AND IT WON'T GO AWAY.
So ask for more jobs. You can get special items this way.
One single thing annoys me: when developers try to add realism that isn't necessary. It ruins the game experience. "Realism" does not equate to "fun", at least in my personal opinion.
novokyiv said:
One single thing annoys me: when developers try to add realism that isn't necessary. It ruins the game experience. "Realism" does not equate to "fun", at least in my personal opinion.
Eh, sometimes it's a good thing. Eg: in Assassins Creed you can bribe people to lower your wanted level. But you can do this while you're being investigated by the guards. "OH GOD, IT'S THAT DEADLY ASSASS-, nope nevermind, let's annoy some townspeople fir-OH DEAR GOD IT WAS HIM HE STABBED ME"
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