[TUTORIAL] Hacking a flash game!


Well-Known Member
Hi, guyse!

I've written my own tutorial (100% my own, yeah!) on the subject of hacking a flash game! That's quite simple, depending on the game and browser a lot though.

[*] Cheat Engine 5.4
[*] Calculator (Start -> All Programs -> Accessories -> "Calculator")

First basic steps
Run Cheat Engine 5.4 after installing it. A window like this should appear.
Press the button circled with red in this picture.
A window like this appears, select the firefox process (I use FireFox, if you use different, select yours).

Getting the information from the game
The game we're hacking tonight is Motherload. It is a very cool game that's very popular amongst the Miniclip list.
Let me explain how the "information" is stored in your browser data. Lets say you have 10$ in game, and your data is read as it is 8 * 10$ = 80$, so if you have 10$ ingame, memory data shows 80$ (without the $ ofcourse). Numbers such as 100 or 80 for example are very common, that's why I suggest you get some kind of unusual amount of money (not like which would be 256 = 8 * your money).
When the Motherload game starts, you get 20$ (which multiplied by 8 is a quite common memory amount too), so I will spend it a little and do some stuff... and here we are, I've got 430$ after a little digging.

Seeking data in Cheat Engine
Back to Cheat Engine, with the amount of 430 * 8 = 3440! This may be a little common, but who cares!
So, you have your Cheat Engine window open with FireFox selected as process!
So, we'll need to fill in the fields as following:
* Value: 3440
* don't tick the "HEX"
* scan type: exact value
* value type: 4 bytes
All should be like that, and when you're good, hit "First Scan"!

Modifying data in Cheat Engine
Now that I have hit "First Scan", luckily it has found only 5 results in firefox process for value 3440, which is very good indeed.
Now what you'll need to do is select all of the addresses you got (like this). Then press the red arrow which will send the values to the fields below.
At the moment, we're monitoring the addresses that responded for 3440, so when they change again, we see it. Now lets go ingame and do something. I will buy some fuel... and done! And there, I had 429$ (* 8 = 3432), so I see that a value has changed to 3432, which is perfect! We found the value that corresponds for the money one. A good image describing it all. So, you now delete all the other values but the one that's the money one!
Select the value that's the money one, and right click on it. Select "change record" -> "value" and then change it to some value you want. So when you want to have 5 millions (5000000), then multiply it by 8 and you get 40000000 (40 millions), so enter 40000000. There, I changed it and the results are magnificent!


Thanks for reading!
Re: Hacking a flash game!

Thanks for your very kind reply after I took 30 minutes on writing this, doing the images and all that...
Re: Hacking a flash game!

[SL]Slayer said:
I didnt read all that but i think i already know this. Is it changing hex, or value of the score ?
It is changing the code record's value.
Re: Hacking a flash game!

I get a gay error :( not working for me on flash games on the internetz

"Exception Processing Message 0xc0000013 Paramaters 0x75B792AO 0x000000004 0x75B792AO 0x75B792AO"
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