TMS Notes


TMS Founder
It's under construction, seriously bugged right now :/
Test it here (, you'll see whats wrong once you posted a large amount of text...

Anyone can help fixing it?
Remis? :T
Zezombia said:
:huh: fancy. I have no idea how you create the numbered lines :tongue:.

Dang I want it to be fixed D: and maybe after that enlarge the width :T
TMS isnt alone with this bug, delux-host has this bug too:

Iam not sure, if this could help:
 function unHTMLentities ($string) {
            $trans_tbl1 = get_html_translation_table(HTML_ENTITIES);
            foreach ($trans_tbl1 as $ascii => $htmlentity) {
                $trans_tbl2[$ascii] = \'&#\' . ord($ascii) . \';\';
            $trans_tbl1 = array_flip($trans_tbl1);
            $trans_tbl2 = array_flip($trans_tbl2);
            return strtr(strtr($string, $trans_tbl1), $trans_tbl2);
        function takeNotes () {
            if($_POST[\'action\'] == \'addNote\') {
                $data = array();
                foreach($_POST as $name => $value) {
                    $data[$name] = (function_exists(\'mysql_real_escape_string\')) ? mysql_real_escape_string($value) : addslashes($value);
                $sql = \"INSERT INTO `notes` (`title`, `author`, `timestamp`, `note`, `private`, `ip`) VALUES (\'{$data[\'title\']}\', \'{$data[\'author\']}\', \'\" . time() . \"\', \'{$data[\'notes\']}\', \'{$data[\'private\']}\', \'{$_SERVER[\'REMOTE_ADDR\']}\')\";
                if(@mysql_query($sql)) {
                    $id = mysql_insert_id();
                    header(\"Location: ./view/$id/\");
                } else {
                    echo \'<span class=\"error\">Oops! We couldn\\\'t post it to the site! Sorry!</span>\';
            } else {
                $html = \'<form method=\"post\" enctype=\"multipart/form-data\" action=\"\" name=\"post\">
                    Note Name

                    <input type=\"text\" name=\"title\" size=\"40\" value=\"Untitled\" />

                    Your Name

                    <input type=\"text\" name=\"author\" size=\"40\" value=\"Anonymous\" />

                    Make This Note Private? Only you will be able to access it.

                    <select name=\"private\">
                        <option value=\"0\" selected=\"selected\">No</option>
                        <option value=\"1\">Yes</option>


                    <textarea rows=\"5\" cols=\"35\" name=\"notes\"></textarea>

                    <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"action\" value=\"addNote\" />
                    <input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" id=\"button\" value=\"Submit\" /> 
                    <input type=\"reset\" name=\"reset\" id=\"button\" value=\"Reset\" />
                echo $html;
        function recentNotes ($i = 10) {
            $sql = \"SELECT * FROM `notes` ORDER BY `id` DESC LIMIT $i\";
            $q = mysql_query($sql);
            $html = \'<ul>\';
            if(mysql_num_rows($q) == 0) {
                $html .= \"<li><h3 class=\\\"error\\\">No notes.</h3></li>\";
            } else {
                while($r = mysql_fetch_assoc($q)) {
                    $html .= \"<li><h3><a href=\\\"/view/{$r[\'id\']}/\\\">{$r[\'title\']}</a></h3></li>\";
            $html .= \'</ul>\';
            echo $html;
        function viewNotes ($i) {
            if($i) {
                $sql = \"SELECT * FROM `notes` WHERE `id` = \'$i\'\";
                $q = mysql_query($sql);
                if(mysql_num_rows($q) == 0) {
                    $html = \'<span class=\"error\">Please select a valid Note!</span>\';
                } else {
                    $r = mysql_fetch_assoc($q);
                    if($r[\'private\'] == 1 && $_SERVER[\'REMOTE_ADDR\'] !== $r[\'ip\']) {
                        echo \'<span class=\"error\">Sorry, you are not allowed to view this Note.</span>\';
                    } else {
                        $notes = stripslashes($r[\'note\']);
                        $notes = split(\"\\n\", $notes);

// The bug is somewhere here:
 //                       for($i = 1; $i <= count($notes); $i++) {
  //                          $numbers .= \"$i.
   //                     }

// use this:

  $numbers .= \"$i.

//its even better for performence
                        $note = $this->unHTMLentities($note);
                        $note = highlight_string($r[\'note\'], true);
                        $date = date(\'F jS\\, Y\', $r[\'timestamp\']);
                        $html = \"<strong>{$r[\'title\']}</strong> by {$r[\'author\']} on $date

                        <div class=\\\"notes\\\">
                            <div class=\\\"numbers\\\">
                            <div class=\\\"note\\\">
                            <div class=\\\"clear\\\"></div>
                echo $html;
            } else {
                echo \'<span class=\"error\">Please select a note to view!</span>\';
    $notes = new notes;
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