Interesting facts The current record for an adult Great White shark in captivity is only 44 days


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Scientists and biologists around the world have tried various methods of breeding and introducing Great White Sharks into captivity, but have all done so without much luck. Recently, a female Great White Shark reached a new record; surviving 44 days in a million-gallon tank housed at Monterey Bay Aquarium in California, eating four pounds of salmon, mackerel and one sardine. Following it’s release it dies a week later.The previous record was set in August 1981 when a great white shark lasted 16 days at SeaWorld in San Francisco before being released back into the ocean after refusing to eat.

There are countless theories as to why Great White Sharks have not yet been successfully bred and kept in captivity. Despite the successes of the recent five week record and previous 16 day survival of a Great White Shark in captivity, a single Great White Shark has never survived in a tank in an aquarium.


You're a heartless human being if you try to put an animal in captivity that normally swims hundreds of kilometers in a matter of days.
But still it's very interesting to learn that they don't even survive captivity for more than two months.
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