Some jokes about Mexicans


TMS Founder
How do you call a mexican in a new car?

A thief

2 Mexicans in a car, who is driving?

A policeman

Why doesn't Mexico have Olympic team?

Because anyone that knows to swim, run or jump ran over to USA

What did the little Mexican get for birthday present?

Your bike

how do you get twenty Mexicans in a phone booth,

Throw in a nickel

How do yo get them out

Throw in a bar of soap
ive heard the fifth one told about jews before, nice jokes though, not incredibly racist so still really funny
Wtf!? Some of these are modified Black jokes!

Mave said:
What do you call a nigga in a new car?
A thief

2 Niggas in a car, who is driving?

A policeman

What did the Nigglet get for a birthday present?

Your bike


[I'm not trying to be racist, I don't see anything wrong with other races.]
I think I should be moderator on SickBin. I would post there daily! :thumbsup:
Actually this joke was origionally:

A black person and a mexican are in a car, who's driving?

The cops.

Andre: You can post weather or not your a moderator O:.
had to contribute

Why can't mexicans be firemen?

They can't tell the difference between jose and hose b
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