Security cameras

Washington, DC
This is from a TV show they show here in Argentina, it shows stuff that happends seen from security cameras, it's quite fun to watch


I'll list what happends

At 00:00 to 00:10 person tries to cross, but didn't see the bike coming and BAM
00:13 to 00:46 tries to cross the train tracks when train's coming, the train stops because it thinks that it rammed him over
00:46 to 01:40 person loses control with bike, gets saved by helmet
01:40 to 03:30 Police offer sees person in a bike with his bag moving around by itself, thinks they kidnapped a baby, founds it it was a goose stolen from a farm
03:30 to 05:30 Tries to open a car that isn't his, police comes and arrests him
05:30 to 06:28 Person who was with his family tries to take something out of a homeless guy, another person sees that and hits him in the face argentine style
06:28 to 08:05 tries to steal from someone with a baby in his arms, then starts beating up that person since they couldn't steal, then they finally rob him. Finally they get arrested later
08:05 to 09:06 truck from a milk company has milk fall of the truck (trucks from that brand usually go with the door open and with a person inside so that they can deliever stuff faster) then the person inside the truck goes running to find the milk that fell
09:06 to 10:36 Drug dealer. The dealer and the client got arrested later.
10:36 to 12:22 Alcohol test. The car runs from it, then gets chased by police and then taken to the police center.
12:22 to 14:02 Crash between a car and a van, the van goes on fire, then the fire gets stopped by firemen