Rubbing a piece of toilet Paper


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A husband, tired of his wife asking him how she looks, buys her a full length mirror. This does little to help, as now she just stands in front of the mirror, looking at herself, asking him how she looks.

One day, fresh out of the shower, she is yet again in front of the mirror, now complaining that her breasts are too small.

The husband comes up with a suggestion. “If you want your breasts to grow, then every day take a piece of toilet paper, and rub it between your breasts for a few seconds.”

Willing to try anything, the wife fetches a piece of toilet paper, and stands in front of the mirror, rubbing it between her breasts. “How long will this take?” she asks.

“They’ll grow slightly larger every day over a period of years,” he replies. The wife stops. “Why do you think rubbing a piece of toilet paper between my breasts every day will make my breasts grow over the years?”

The husband shrugs. “Why not, it worked for your butt, didn’t it?”
Maffia171 said:
Panki said:
I know, but I even uploaded to tinypic ;_;

as avatar link thing? ;_;

But then Firefox users cant see it OH NOSE! :(

Use for avatars. That's what I do :tongue:

Stupid woman, she walked right into that one. And stupid woman, always concerned about how she looks to other people instead of how she thinks she looks..
Idk, FF doesn't like imgur for avatars but it's fine for sigs, me and someone (don't remember who sorry ;_:wink: tested it

OKAY back on topic now pls
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