[Preview] TMS Tetris


Well-Known Member
(I didn´t really know where to post this, hopely its right here.)

Who wants to have a themavesite tetris game? If so I need a name suggestion for it ( the name "Tetris" is under copyright), a small tms icon (.ico format pls) and a tms logo (240 * 100), and some sounds (I will post more information tomorrow).
All helpers will be in the credits :wub:

The game will have its own Direct3D engine made in C++ with the Visual C++ Studio (if someone has a VC++ pro edition crack, pm me..)
I would love to have a TMS tetris game :biggrin:

Hmm TMS Puzzle game? nah sounds lame D:

ICO : http://themavesite.com/favicon.ico :tongue:
Name should be Strat. Blox Stradegy Blox-brought to you by TMS sounds good
Game is ready. Can I release it in the software section now?

You can pimp up the game on your own. The pictures are in the game folder, so you can edit the design and sounds.
Remis said:
Game is ready. Can I release it in the software section now?

You can pimp up the game on your own. The pictures are in the game folder, so you can edit the design and sounds.

OMG OF course ! Can't wait :biggrin: Have to go to bed in 5 mins though.. :(
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