Picture for my EX


var nerd; nerd = db_getUser("rafay");
My (now) ex girlfriend cheated on me 4 times in our long distance relationship. She confessed this in a silly letter:

Dear Robert, I have to break up with you. The distance between us is too far. I also have to confess I cheated on you 4 times since you have left and that isn't right for either of is. Sorry. Please return my picture to me? Thanks, Nadja.

Admitted, I felt like shit for a while, but I really wanted to come out on top in this issue, so I went to all my mates & friends and collected all pictures I could get; sisters, girlfriends, aunts, cousins. I stuck the ones of the pretty ladies, together with hers, in an envelop. 57 pictures. I sent a note with it:

Dear Nadja, I am sorry, but I can't remember who you are. Please take the right picture out and send the rest back. Ciao. Robert.

It felt GREAT!
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