iOS 4.1 Beta Released to Developers


Well-Known Member
The next version of iOS, 4.1, has been released in beta to Apple Developers. (such as myself)
I could post information or screenshots, but then I'd get sued. :3

It's mainly to fix some of the problems with the iPhone 4, as well as some new APIs and fixes for programmers.

Some tech sites have already covered this (it only came out overnight) and have information about it, I personally haven't downloaded it so I can't report on it. (re-downloading Xcode+iOS SDK+iOS, around 3 GB, every time a beta release is out, isn't fun. Apple also recommends running it only on a designated test device, and I only have a personal device)
This is great news for iPhone 4 users.
They also should release a legal way to downgrade from 4.0 for iPhone 3G & 3GS though.
Mave said:
This is great news for iPhone 4 users.
They also should release a legal way to downgrade from 4.0 for iPhone 3G & 3GS though.
Can't you just restore to an older version?
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