is finally here


Well-Known Member
1,970 is going down at the end of october, to be replaced by the new and improved UpFFS.

Some new features:
Upgraded "internet 0.2" look,
Logged in all the time,
Multi file uploader (up to 25 files),
Public files now replace spaces with _,
You can view the image files you upload as icons,
Password must now be confirmed,
Admin system can see and delete accounts/files,
There is now a loading bar,
Passwords and files are now more sucure,
All in one script to optimize speeds.

The great features that have made unique:
Direct link downloading,
No waiting times,
No forced payments,
No codes!

But I'll have to re-upload all the files :/

I found some useful iconzie:
You can use it after upload, with "Uploading succesful"
Guess what ^^
Donate icon
Something like Password incorrect/upload failed/file not found etc

Where the f**k is the promised Web 0.2 look? Even the layout I made for ImageBam copy was better than this. I'm very sorry but that's not cool. Not better than either.
What it lacks is proper JavaScript, so:
* instead of choosing how many files you want to upload on multi-upload, you can press "add another file" or something
* instead of some silly .gif that actually doesn't show the progress(, you could have a proper uploading status bar

You could also use a MUCH COOLER look to the site. Currently looks like some shitty CSS thrown into a bunch of HTML code.
Certainly needs JavaScript and a MUCH nicer layout. I though UpFFS was gonna be cooler and shit... nice white layout, nice images (like the one made by GPow), etc. etc.

and the "please... DONATE"... that's BULLCRAP. You have to ask people to donate when you have a NICE site and you have VIP functionality, such as giving up to 10mb/s download speed... but wait, this bullshit HostUpon really doesn't give you that, eh?

To generate you some traffic, I decided to upload a picture at UpFFS.

By the way since you're so into FFS, why not have a site as good as I mean I could get that done in 5 hours working time for a nice amount of money. for TMS for free, but nope I don't wanna replace your stuff.
I agree 100% with andre. I thought it would be cool, but I don't see any improvements. The new upffs isn't bad, but there are just no improvements.
Also, whats the point of the donation thing? Webspace is VERY cheap in these days.. And you didn't pay for graphics and you didn't pay for a coder. I would only donate for gameservers (sfsf <3 ), its worth that, but not for applications on webhosts..

All in one script to optimize speeds.
1. All in one script = messy code, bad structure.
You will notice it if you don't touch the code for several months and then you have to maintain the code to fix a bug.

2. You know that the script gets parsed by line for line? Why should it optimize the speed?
1) I didn't have an option with the URL. Mave registered it during the voting.
2) I explained I don't know javascript, if you can make a better one, go ahead and I'll put it on.
3) You're an Remis's thoughts on the design are opinionated. Some of the perople that said the Zezombia look sucked said this looked a lot better, some that said the Zezombia look was better said this sucked.
4) Ease up on the flamming, eh?

1) That "speed" wasn't a planned event. It just seems a lot faster with this script, and other people have commented on that as well. Yes, I understand that dosn't make technical sense.
2) I'm used to fixing bugs in large scripts, your maintenance comment dosn't scare me.
About the big code thing then I have index.php of my panel 80kb. I think it probably needs some improvements because there are a lot of "SELECT *" where it could be just "SELECT `thing`". Damn. :tongue:
Sorry for flaming, you've done a quite good job. I will give my best to make my reply.
Damn, That means my 26MB Wallpapers Rar will be deleted.

Also, I know you aren't one for sexy designs, zez, but A template made in an image editor would be AWESOME.

It does look better than before though, Orange looked like ass.
I've made a great design with images before, but the div alignment was diffrent for every broswer, and IE completely fucked it up, so it any any future ones will be scraped.
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