Flying saucer 'spotted on Google Earth'


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Romanian UFO investigators are appealing for people to stop reporting sightings of a flying saucer on Google Earth.

After receiving tens of reports that a disc-shaped object had landed on farmland near the city of Timisoara, the Romanian UFO Network set out on a field trip.


They followed the coordinates given by the satellite pictures, and found an abandoned water facility in woodland on the edge of a field.

Paul Dorneanu, president of the Romanian UFO Network, said: "I've been there and taken some shots of that building.

"It is just a water pumping facility that used to supply Timisoara city in the past. There was another similar building a few miles away."

However, he said that despite his evidence, some UFO enthusiasts were refusing to give up on their belief that a flying saucer had landed in Romania.

"Some people believe we are all part of a conspiracy to obscure the truth about UFOs. We do have solid reports about UFO activities in Romania but this is definitely not one of them," said Mr Dorneanu.

I say fake, probably even intended to be spotted on Google Earth, I'm thinking that some guy made this for fun, and then spread around that on those coordinates on Google Earth, you could find a UFO...
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