Father Has 21 Kids, He’s 29


TMS Founder

Desmond Hatchett is 29 years old and lives in Knoxville, Tennessee. His claim to fame? He has fathered 21 children, who now range in age from newborn to 11 years of age. The brood of youngsters have eleven mothers - which would seem to indicate that this guy is popular with the ladies and has been very busy procreating.

Hatchett fathered four children in one year - twice. He isn’t able, on his minimum wage salary, to support them all - much to the displeasure of the state of Tennessee. They hauled him into court last Friday, where he appeared on the docket eleven times - representing 15 of his 21 children.

The state can only take 50% of Hackett’s month pay, and when divided twenty-one ways, it isn’t paying for much. He brought $400 to court with him. Court records indicate that he must pay the women a monthly sum ranging from $25 to $305. When his paycheck is garnished, these women are actually receiving an average of $1.98 per month.

Under the circumstances, it appears that the financial burden rests squarely on the shoulders of the good citizens of Tennessee….and their tax dollars.

Hatchett claims he wasn’t out to set a record. “I didn’t intend to have this many. It just happened.”

Source : bittenandbound.com
Wow, 21 kids and only 29 years old, Eleven mothers, lolwat.

Well, he should've use a condom :T
wow he was popular, what did he do go on TMS forums ? LOL
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