Facebook, Youtube, Twitter are going to be one social network


TMS Founder
Well I have been reading around and I found out that they are trying to build Youtube, Twitter and Facebook into one big social network site.

It will be ready in the near future.

This is going to be named YouTwitFace.
Re: Facebook, Youtube, Twitter are going to be one social newtork

What kind of a joke is that? lol didn't even put a smile on my face. seriously not funny, crap.
wtf is this shit
Re: Facebook, Youtube, Twitter are going to be one social newtork

Re: Facebook, Youtube, Twitter are going to be one social newtork

Made me laugh pretty hard ;D
Re: Facebook, Youtube, Twitter are going to be one social newtork

Awesome site =T
Re: Facebook, Youtube, Twitter are going to be one social newtork

Andre said:
What kind of a joke is that? lol didn't even put a smile on my face. seriously not funny, crap.
wtf is this shit

Andre's post made me laugh more then yours Mave, sorry.
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