Elderly Couple Found Dead In Home, Heater Was at 537.7°C: Cops


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Elderly Couple Found Dead In Home, Heater Was at 537.7°C: Cops


An elderly South Carolina couple were found dead inside their home Saturday and cops say the heater was set at 537.7°C according to reports.

Spartanburg Police Department said they were conducting a welfare check just after 6 p.m. Saturday and entered the home, which they described as "extremely hot,” according to WYFF.

The family of the deceased had told police that they had not seen their parents since Wednesday.

When officers arrived, they said all doors were locked, but the window leading into the victims' bedroom was not secure, the police report obtained by WYFF said.

Police said they removed the screen to the window and looked into the bedroom saw the couple was dead, according to the report obtained by WYFF.

Firefighters found the heater in the basement was extremely hot, with a temperature reading inside the heater of over 537.7°C before they were able to deactivate it, WSPA reported.

One firefighter said, "the heater was so hot it looked as if the basement was currently on fire,” according to The Messenger.

Once officials realized the heater was not on fire, they deactivated it.

"They then measured the temperature of the heater itself at more than 537.7°C," the police report obtained by WYFF said.

Fire officials said the interior temperature of the home still exceeded 50°C after the home was open to cold weather for about 20 minutes, according to The Messenger.

Source and more: https://www.insideedition.com/elder...e-where-heater-was-at-1000-degrees-cops-85410

Apparently this can also happen when the battery of your thermostat dies. New fear unlocked.
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