DVD Drive not found (even not in device manager)


TMS Founder
The problem is this;

The CD/DVD drive is opening and closing when you push the button.
When you instert a CD/DVD however; nothing happens (no open with or stuff)
The CD/DVD writer/reader is also NOT visible in my computer OR in device manager.

Any suggestions?
Are you on a laptop?

Open the case (if it's a Desktop) and check the cable, Power and data.
I would really go checking if all the cables are properly attached. There are many others besides the potential data and power cables there I'm afraid so it might get a little confusing if one was to rearrange something there. Of course that depends on the manufacturer and how the PC is complected.

The next thing, if the device doesn't re-appear, would be going into BIOS and seeing if it sees anything there (registers itself as some sort of a drive perhaps?) or has the appropriate settings.

And the next thing would be taking the PC to a repairshop where it'll be fixed.
If you are somewhat experienced you could also get a Multimeter and check the Motherboard for the respective 12V supply.
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