China to ban online gaming and chatting with foreigners outside Great Firewall


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China to ban online gaming and chatting with foreigners outside Great Firewall

TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — After blocking a popular Nintendo game "Animal Crossing," the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is taking its political censorship to the extreme by disconnecting Chinese online gamers from their guildmates outside China.

On April 10, China banned the popular social simulation video game in which gamers can create a home and interact with cute animal villagers, owing to Hong Kong pro-democracy activist Joshua Wong (黃之鋒) revealing a customized scene in the game which reads "Free Hong Kong" and mocks Chinese leader Xi Jinping. Several other players were also found leveraging the game to vent their discontent with the CCP and making satirical content related to the CCP's failure to tackle the virus.

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When are we finally gonna boycot China?
Man, if Animal Crossing has gotten on your shitlist, you better start reevaluating your decisions.

Oh, who am I kidding. It's the CPC. They're as self aware as a brick.
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