Blood pressure / pulse problems


Well-Known Member
holy shit.
so ok, it has been 2 years since last sports doctor visit.

so I went there yesterday, all normal... except for when they attached me this blood pressure measure thing, which started beeping like it was nuts. Want to know the results? haha, 164 / 71 on first measure with 122 pulse. on second one, today, it was 146 / 73 and pulse 136.

So, the upper (146) isn't normal. Must be atleast 135 to be good on border, I was told.
But thankfully, the lower one (71/73) is fucking good. Maximum allowed is like 90 or so.

I read that the upper one (164 / 146) depends on your height and your lifestyle (how much time you get for sleep, how much you eat junkfood - which I don't to be honest).
The lower one depends on your "amount of fat" or something. 71 has still 19 to go until the maximum, so that's OK.

The only thing I'm REALLY worried about is the pulse.
well my parents keep telling me that's it isn't much of a problem as my mother has a high pulse all the time also.
I ran a quick test and while resting my pulse is 75 - 78 PER SECOND. Without doing ANYTHING, resting and watching "Two and a Half man".

gosh, I'm worried.
Today I made some improvement though. From upper 164 to 146, which is the result of going to bed at a normal time, eating in the morning also (which I usually don't), some heavier exercise than usual and taking a "walk" from school to home and from home to school, which I usually go like in 4 minute. This time about 8 minutes I think (wat lol).

But pulse is higher and my parents think that it is about some mental disease that comes up when you go to the doctors. Well it is proven to get your heart beating and shit, but all the material on the intrawebz has scared the hell out of me. Fuck no, I don't want to die at age 50 due to a stroke or heart failure. I read that fast beating (aka rapid heart beat) might be cause of something called hypersomething...

I don't drink coffee, or coca cola drinks... basically a very small amount or none of caffeine and that bad bullshit. But still, some of the causes of rapid heartbeat are:
Anxiety (type of Neurosis)
Some of them I find hard to recognize on myself, but when going to doctor's, I get nervous!
Voila, but that's not it because I also get fast heart beating when at home! dang!

so I was asked if I ever feel some tingling or anything near my chest. Nope, I don't I think. So here I'm just trying to calm myself and I hope that the lower-stomach ache I had earlier (took a big dump afterwards, don't ask...) wasn't anything serious like that.

ok, so I'm out and waiting for you to calm me down.

P.S! I'm also like inactive on PC coz I cba to fuck around in general and also this issue is frighting. I'll probably die a few years younger because of this, yeaah.
wat? :tongue:

I suppose it will be fine until I become middle-aged.
My mother has a pulse around 80~ when not doing anything.

I suppose it isn't so bad though.
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