Bandle - A daily music game

Bandle #620 5/6
Found: 55/56 (98.2%)
Current Streak: 12 (max 15)
Bandle #621 x/6
Found: 55/57 (96.5%)
Current Streak: 0 (max 15)

Legitimately never heard of this.
Bandle #622 x/6
Found: 55/58 (94.8%)
Current Streak: 0 (max 15)

Yeah, early 2000's boy bands are not my forte
Bandle #625 3/6
Found: 58/61 (95.1%)
Current Streak: 3 (max 15)

The song sung badly on many a drunken night out
Bandle #629 5/6
Found: 62/65 (95.4%)
Current Streak: 7 (max 15)

Imma be honest, I only recognized the words of the actual title being sung.
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