11 Year old girl writes a letter - Nintendo delivers


TMS Founder
Now that's a good company, helping out someone who can't have something :)

Props to Nintendo for being awesome ever since the NES ♥
Lmao, is that really true?
I mean, I would send a letter to Sony asking for a PSP Go... I wonder if I would ever receive that ;o
^^ You don't know if you don't try, I'm gonna write out the above letter and send it to the Nintendo people in QLD, and see if they fall for it. :biggrin:
Nimphioüs said:
^^ You don't know if you don't try, I'm gonna write out the above letter and send it to the Nintendo people in QLD, and see if they fall for it. :biggrin:
So you're gonna pretend that you are a 11 year old girl? AWESUM
Nitronic said:
He likes 11 yr old girls :whistling:

inb4pedobear ;_;

And nah, I don't think they'll send shit... It's like every child in the world to send them an mail saying "PLS I WANT A DS, I DON'T HAVE MONEY FOR IT" in an more emotional way D:
Just write fucking sad story and [insert Nintento product here] is yours.
Of course not... I mean, Nintendo did it once, to be good hearted, lol. Not again.
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