[Tutorial] How to play SA-MP through Steam


TMS Founder
How to play San Andreas Multiplayer in Steam
Thanks to Mauri for making me aware that this was possible in the first place.

Requirements: Have GTA SA installed via Steam.

[list type=decimal]
[*]Download GTA SA v1 from here: http://themavesite.com/downloads/GTA_SA.EXE
[*]Put GTA_SA.EXE in your San Andreas Steam folder (....\Steam\SteamApps\common\Grand Theft Auto San Andreas)
[*]Download the official SA-MP client http://files.sa-mp.com/sa-mp-0.3.7-R2-install.exe
[*]Install SA-MP client inside the same folder (....\Steam\SteamApps\common\Grand Theft Auto San Andreas)
[*]Go to the San Andreas Steam folder (Steam\SteamApps\common\Grand Theft Auto San Andreas) and rename gta-sa.exe to gta-sa-old.exe
[*]Rename sa-mp.exe to gta-sa.exe

That's it!

NOTE: People will not see that you're playing San Andreas multiplayer. Instead it will show you are playing GTA San Andreas.
After trying this for a few months I now strongly advice against using the Steam version to play SA-MP.


I spent the last 4 days debugging because I kept randomly crashing while entering vehicles. Turns out this is because the game tries to load a radio track that is not available on Steam..
So all the while this had been a client side bug while I thought it was a server one.. Sigh.
Duly noted. It's not that GTA:SA is a large file to download anyway, so illegal copies, ho!
Stybar said:
Duly noted. It's not that GTA:SA is a large file to download anyway, so illegal copies, ho!
Fun fact: SA was my first illegal game download ever. Also the first time I had to mount something.
You... You've illegally downloaded a game! FOR SHAME, MAVE.
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