Red Dead Redemption 2: Tips and tricks


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All useful information to aid your progress in the game will get posted here.

  • Interactive map of all locations:
  • Some side missions are not required to proceed to the next chapter. (but they will be gone if you advance to the next chapter)
    If you want to make sure you don't miss out on anything, always complete the Dutch missions after you've done everything else.
  • Holding start brings up the map right away (instead of first going into the pause menu)
  • Holding circle (PS4) or B (Xbox One) in a shop catalogue lets you exit straight away
  • Double tapping L1 (PS4) or LB (Xbox One) lets you do a cool trick when you put away your gun
  • Pressing up with a gun in your hand allows you to shoot into the air to scare predators away
  • Tapping left on the D-pad brings up a task list of requests, hunting challenges,...
  • Holding down on the D-pad lets you have quick-access to radar options (expanded, normal, compass, off)
  • If you press X (PS4) or A (Xbox One) in time with your horse's gallops, you won't use as much stamin
  • Enable fast travel (only available from inside the camp though) by upgrading Dutch's tent and Arthur's tens through the ledger
  • Crouching whilst crawling up a steep incline may help with grip and stop Arthur from falling over
  • If you steal a carriage, train etc. You can just whistle your horse (D-pad up button) and it will follow behind you
  • Holding triangle (PS4) or Y (Xbox One) whilst on your horse will hitch up anywhere, even into the ground or a tree
  • Running into someone and pressing triangle (PS4) or Y (Xbox One) will tackle them to the ground
  • You can interact with mirrors by pressing L2+O (PS4) or LT+B (Xbox One)
  • While looting / robbing a house always check the chimneys
  • A dark red X after shooting someone means that their wound is fatal and they will die soon
  • Activating dead eye when reloading skips animations
  • Pressing square (PS4) or X (Xbox One) whilst aiming lets you dive
  • Don't be afraid to drop your guns in order to pick up new ones if you find them, your old guns can be retrieved from your saddle
  • Don't like fishing or in a rush? Shoot fish
  • You can fire from the hip by tapping R2 (PS4) or RT (Xbox One) without holding L2 (PS4) or LT (Xbox One)
  • Wearing a mask is not always enough to hide your identity, if you're known in town people may be able to identify you from your clothing, your horse, or your custom weapons. Set up a "crime outfit" and don't wear it while you're out being a law-abiding citizen
  • You can store multiple outfits on your horse and access them with L1 (PS4) or LB (Xbox One) while near it
  • Holding R1 (PS4) or RB (Xbox One) while mounted on a horse will back up (reverse)
  • You can calm enemy horses and loot the satchels on either side
  • You can jump onto your horse from elevated places, like a balcony
  • When hunting use binoculars to zoom in and see the quality of an animal's pelt
  • For easy flight feathers get a good vantage in an area with lots of birds. Equip the varmint rifle. Eat food/tonic to max deadeye. Fire a shot into the air. Then enter deadeye and shoot down the startled birds as they take off
  • The companion app lets you order clothes without having to go to a tailor
  • Door of the house you want to break into locked? Smash a window and climb in
  • There's usually something interesting at places you can see smoke
  • Hair tonic doubles growth rate
  • Hair tonic lasts up to two stages of hair growth
  • You can only grow one increment at a time before needing a screen fade (sleeping, re-spawning, fast travel, cut scenes, etc.) Hair pomade applied by barber lasts 5 in game days (2 if done yourself)
  • Hair doesn't grow past stage 7, beard goes to 10
  • Beard stops growing without tonic at stage 6
  • Growth stages (irl time) : 1 - 1.6 hrs, 2 - 1.6 hrs, 3 - 3.2 hrs, 4 - 6.4 hrs, 5 - 9.6 hrs, 6 - 16 hrs 7 - 16 hrs, 8 - 12.8 hrs, 9 - 12.8 hrs, 10 - 20.8 hrs
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Location of the very rare White Arabian Elite Horse, at Lake Isabella
EDIT: This is also supposed to be the best horse in the game.

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When someone steals your horse there's no need to shoot them down, you can simply call your horse by pressing up on the d-pad.
The horse will shake the thief off and return to you.
A short whistle calls your horse to you, a long whistle tells your horse to follow you.
When dismounting horse, hold LEFT or RIGHT Analog to dismount the side you want.
If you see a hat on the ground with a weird shine, make sure to pick it up. These are unavailable in stores and will be added to “Stolen Hats” in your wardrobe.

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