Red Dead Redemption 1 Remaster looking more and more real


TMS Founder
The Korean gaming ratings board have reviewed a “Red Dead Redemption” which is said to be a console game based on:
  • The new rating carries the classification number “CC-NV-230615-001.”
    In Korean game ratings, “NV” refers to console games, while “NP” refers to PC games.
    (However a console rating does not exclude the existence of a PC version)
  • The review also has a line about body damage which was included in RDR2's review and not in the original RDR.
    There are also references to Undead Nightmare.
And even more:
  • The logos for the games' trophies have been updated on social club
Both of these things also happened before the GTA trilogy remaster was announced.
More info:
  • Kotaku writer, Zack Zwiezen believes development for the remaster resumed in 2022 and claims it'll be a "cleaned up remaster".
    Before pausing, it was supposed to ship on Xbox One and PlayStation 4.
The plot thickens.

Take-Two has unveiled its plans for Fiscal 2024, which spans from now until March 2024. Among their initiatives for this period, they have mentioned the release of two "previously-released titles." As of now, they haven't announced these yet.


Hopefully this is RDR1 and.. something else. Too early for the Max Payne remasters, these are still in early development.


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