Discussion Red Dead Online: General Discussion


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I finally started playing RDO today!
Created a female character for the first time.. ever.


Here's Mauri and myself :biggrin:

Hey my character looks even better in higher quality, nice :biggrin:

For leveling up and getting cash you pretty much need to do same stuff as in single-player. Hunt, fish, sell them to a butcher, do random missions from strangers and so on. It's nice that you can level up by just doing freeroam stuff by yourself.
Double post

If you want more exp, make sure you are in free-aim session. With every kill you get +20 extra exp

Start/Restart the game
Stay in the menu
Press Q to switch to Story
Press Z to select Options
Controls > Controller

Lock-On Mode (On-Foot) > Free Aim
Lock-On Mode (Horse-Vehicle) > Free Aim

Press Escape multiple times
Press E to select Online

Done, you'll be joining free-aim sessions and gain +20 extra exp for each kill (doesn't work with police)

Note: Settings can't be changed when currently in session (will be grayed out)

Guide taken from here
Double post

If you want more exp, make sure you are in free-aim session. With every kill you get +20 extra exp

Start/Restart the game
Stay in the menu
Press Q to switch to Story
Press Z to select Options
Controls > Controller

Lock-On Mode (On-Foot) > Free Aim
Lock-On Mode (Horse-Vehicle) > Free Aim

Press Escape multiple times
Press E to select Online

Done, you'll be joining free-aim sessions and gain +20 extra exp for each kill (doesn't work with police)

Note: Settings can't be changed when currently in session (will be grayed out)

Guide taken from here
Cheers for all the information! Will do some more research myself.
Now this seems like a fun activity: going to Mexico in online with some friends.

Rockstar is releasing RDO standalone edition for only $5 on December 1st.
What a steal.

Rockstar is releasing RDO standalone edition for only $5 on December 1st.
What a steal.

Now it's much easier to get people to buy gold bars too since you don't need to buy a full game anymore!
Is the online part going to disappear from the base game? Or is it just $5 if you buy it new?
Is the online part going to disappear from the base game? Or is it just $5 if you buy it new?
$5 is apparently only for the first two months, after that it's $20
Thing is you download the whole game either way. You can "unlock" the full version by paying more later. (but it's not like you download a game 20GB less huge for the online-only portion, they just lock you down to online)
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