Post what you want

GPow69 said:
Well sorry that I can afford it guys, I actually like to not have a shitty $10 hat.

I buy only new era
I could easily afford spending $75 (which is close to like 850.- here) on something. But I doubt if on a hat that is. Wearing those caphats once was the style in 2006 and I even had one then. That one cost the half of yours. But we don't get much faggots around here showing off their huge expensive hats. On the other hand, I totally understand, you're an american.
I also used to wear New Era caps, they're awesome.

To be honest I don't like caphats at all, I wouldn't spend that much money for the one hat. But everyone has his/her own taste and opinions.
Panki, that picture reminds me of a place in scarface the game, it looks almost the same as that xD
^ Hell fucking yeah it would.


Holy grail plox, will sell it to highest bidder :3
I want a little bit faster internet connection ppls

Lol. I live pretty close to my school. They have ~60Mbps connection and I have 1Mbps
Anyone got 1kilometer of fiber optic wires and an excavator D:
Avalkiz said:
I want a little bit faster internet connection ppls

Lol. I live pretty close to my school. They have ~60Mbps connection and I have 1Mbps
Anyone got 1kilometer of fiber optic wires and an excavator D:

I have a phone cord and a shovel, if you want that you can have it
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