Off to England :3


#3 Top Poster Hurr Durr.
So, yeah.

I'm going to my mum in Luton, England. Staying there for about 2-3 weeks, I don't exactly know it because I haven't asked lolol ;_;
I'm leaving tomorrow night and I think I'm going to have internet at the airport and I will be able to be online @ midnight, have to wait for the airplane for ~6 hours because I'm going there by train and because the roads are flooded and my fucking town won't have an airport.
Won't have my PS3 there but meh, I'll be out very much. I will have internet there.
HOPEFULLY I'll get a new fucking PC or if not, some PS3 games...
I'm writing this now because tomorrow will be a full day for me -_-

So yeah, see ya, lads.
You better get a new PC. Or I can joke over your 10 year old PC on TS even more.
Just finished packing shit up. My internet is back. Going to leave for the airport in 2 hours.
And yeah, chances are that I will get a new PC.
Yeah, got Internet here. I'm @ the airport now... Going to be bored to fucking death for 5 hours ;_;
But hey, I got TMS =D
^ :V

If you haven't watched some clips in The Quality Room, I suggest you watch some to fill your time :3
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