Kevin Butler tricked into tweeting PS3′s security key


TMS Founder

The VP of Awesomeness just turned into the VP of Ignorance, apparently.

Kevin Butler, the PS3′s brand ambassador, who holds many fictional positions for promoting the brand, recently tweeted the METLDR root key aka the PS3′s security key after being tricked into doing so by a dude who’s obviously much smarter than him.

The guy sent him the following tweet:

To which Kevin replied, hoping to make fun of him:

It wasn’t long before he realized what he has done as the internet erupted and informed him about his folly. The tweet has been deleted since then but noone can delete the innumerous RTs and reports which were made as a result of it.

We would just advise Kevin to be more careful in future and not to make a complete joke of himself and the company he’s endorsing. The PS3 security key release, caused ripples worldwide and it’s quite appalling that Sony’s favorite VP was oblivious to it all along.

Kryogenic Napalm said:
I dont get it, so what exactly is the key for?
It's the key that sony uses to sign their PS3 applications, so it will work on their Official Firmware (OFW)
You can sign their PS3 applications, so they will work on their Official Firmware (OFW)
MiRc34 said:
You can sign their PS3 applications, so they will work on their Official Firmware (OFW)

I can have a google maps ps3 application? :troll:
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