How to cheat on any test


TMS Founder
We are allowed to drink on a tests. But I just write all the notes to a paper and put it to my pencil case. More simple.
Tuu bad we can't have ANYTHING on our desks during our tests.. Anything exept a pen and the test.
But we know some ideas to cheat anyways :whistling:
If you cheat then your simply an idiot, if you are able to pass the test without cheating you will get further in life.
Lol Nimmie.
I cheat at french, its just gay. You can also write it with your pencil on the table, but do it smooth so you can clean it with your finger.
^You sir, are not AFK in xFire but also not responding to my messages. And your status changed to online a few minutes ago.
Weird thread. Not even funny spamming though.

Nimphioüs said:
If you cheat then your simply an idiot, if you are able to pass the test without cheating you will get further in life.
Ability to learn is good but school programs include some of which you probably NEVER have to use in your life and much you won't remember in a year or two anyways. I don't know about your aussie school program but here we do have such stuff.
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