Goodbye SMF, hello Xenforo


TMS Founder
The past few many hours, Donald has been working his ass of on converting the Simple Machine Forums database to the Xenforo system.
And as you might have noticed, the conversion was a success! We're now running Xenforo 2.0.7!

What do you need to do?

Request a password reset in order to re-enable access to your account

Please report any bugs you occur.

Known bugs so far:
  • YouTube embeds are not working (Donald is looking into this though) Fixed by Donald
  • Streamable links not working due to them being plain html (example: Fixed
  • Gifv's not working (see animated gifs board)
  • Old urls are not redirecting to their new seo friendly urls

Other items:
  • Signatures are still enabled, they will be disabled as soon as possible Fixed
  • Obviously the styling is far from finished, I only replaced the logo so far Dark theme added, normal theme still needs a little tweaking
  • The High Society board is currently missing, this will come back later today Fixed
  • The old smilies need to be re-added or you'll find stuff like :sadsmileyface: all around (I'm doing these every now and then)
  • I'm gonna change a small piece of code again so that we can have different banners every hour
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Still working on the logo of the Classic theme, but you can switch themes at the bottom left corner.
(Just click on this)

This definitely will take some time to get used to, but I'm excited for the change. :biggrin: Cheers to Donald for his work!
This definitely will take some time to get used to, but I'm excited for the change. :biggrin: Cheers to Donald for his work!

Same here, but it was really time for an update from the forum software.
Still figuring out how to browse the forum without missing anything. The What's New page will probably replace the old "All Unread Topics" from SMF.
Looks like the old hr tag doesn't work on Xenforo, which is a shame since I use it a lot.

And it even has a like system. I love it!

Dark with blue accents looks awesome.
The only thing I'm missing is the "unread topics" button... Anything similar, by chance?
Seems like you can't have .gifs as avatars, aw :<
I just searched on the Xenforo forums and fortunately this is possible! However it requires we switch to the ImageMagick PECL Extension image processor, which means that we need to install the imagick PECL extension. We need @Donald for that :biggrin:
20 old smileys have now been re-added!
There are still 77 old smileys that have not been added back yet. I'm not going to add them all as some were very rarely used.
I just searched on the Xenforo forums and fortunately this is possible! However it requires we switch to the ImageMagick PECL Extension image processor, which means that we need to install the imagick PECL extension. We need @Donald for that :biggrin:
Oh neat, but it's not like it should be added just for me.

Also yay for old smileys! :biggrin:
I just searched on the Xenforo forums and fortunately this is possible! However it requires we switch to the ImageMagick PECL Extension image processor, which means that we need to install the imagick PECL extension. We need @Donald for that :biggrin:
Aye, installed!

@Mauri @Stybar ; If you guys notice anything that's majorly broken, please let @Mave know asap, so he can forward it to me in order to break it even more.

I hope you guys like it so far!
Doesn't seem to work yet, but when I was setting my avatar it worked in preview. :confused:
Update: Streamable links are now embeddable and I manually replaced all html streamable links ever posted. (only took me 30mins!)
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