Fallout 76 Is Lowest Rated Fallout Game In History, Fallout 4 DLCs Have Higher Scores


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Fallout 76 Is Lowest Rated Fallout Game In History, Fallout 4 DLCs Have Higher Scores


Fallout 76 user review score is 2.7 which is the lowest for any Fallout game as well. The highest critic score given to the game is 7/10 by PlayStation Universe while the lowest critic score is a 3/10 by The SixthAxis. Many other noteworthy publications are still working on their reviews but the overall score isn’t going to improve much on PS4 based on what they have to say in their “review in progress” sections.

Bethesda’s first attempt at creating a Fallout online game is being considered a “failed experiment” by critics. Fallout 76 strips everything Fallout games are known for. Memorable NPCs are no longer there which makes the world feel empty. Online features hamper the entire game, a title that could have been a great Fallout game set in West Virginia.

Source and more: https://segmentnext.com/2018/11/20/...in-history-fallout-4-dlcs-have-higher-scores/
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