Don't use that word, just say..."sing,"...


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A father is driving his son home late one evening after day-care. In the car, the child turns to his dad and says, "Dad, I need to take a fat piss."
Dad: "Son, that is a very inappropriate way to say you have to use the restroom. I have no idea where you learned that saying but don't use that word."
The dad, keeping his focus on the roads, hastily replies, "Just say, I don't know...just say you need to sing."
Son: "Okay dad, I need to sing."
The dad exits at the closest stop so the boy can use a restroom.

Later on in the week, the boy's family visits. One night, the boy is sharing his room with his grandfather and grandmother. That night, the boy wakes up and goes over to his grandfather and says, "Grandpa, I need to sing."
Grandpa: "Kiddo, it's 1 in the morning. You're going to wake up your grandma. Go back to sleep."
The boy crawls back under the sheets and falls fast asleep.
An hour later, he wakes up his grandfather again.
Son: "Grandpa, I REALLY need to sing."
Grandpa: "Are you serious? It's almost 2 in the morning. If your grandma wakes up, she's going to be really grumpy."
Son: "But Grandpa, I really need to..."
Grandpa: "Just back to sleep okay? You can sing in the morning."
The son goes back to bed but after one more hour, he gets up and wakes his grandfather
Son: "Grandpa, I have to sing so bad!!"
Grandpa, confused, replies under his breath, "Are you serious?!"
Son: "Yes grandpa, I have to sing!"
Grandpa, frustrated and tired, sees that he can't get the boy to stay quiet and whispers to him, "Okay okay. You know what? Fine.
Just sing quietly into my ear."
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