Borderlands 3 Official Developer Trailer


TMS Founder
Never played the series but people seemed to be hyped about this new trailer!

You're goddamn right I'm hyped. This is the series that has guns that can not only kill, but also ignite/eletrocute/liquidize/freeze/misc enemies.

I think the game can best be described by the momentous Mr Torgue. He just has one question for you.

New trailer

So, it looks like 4 vaulthunters:
- Moze, who appears to be able to summon a FUCKING MECHA???
- FL4K, who has a dog?
- Amara, the fourth siren (after Lilith, Maya, and Angel), who can summon 6 arms, and slam the ground?
- Zane, who has a drone, which shoots stuff or heals people, I suppose?

And then, the bad news: Epic Game Store exclusive, for 6 months.
Looks like piracy is back on the menu, boys!
DIPS ON AMARA (sirens are always the most fun)
Eh why not buy it on the epic store? I want this game DAY FUCKING ONE. And piracy == no coop :/
Aw, dude, I wanted Amara :( she looks badass.
Although a freaking mecha tank would be pretty sweet too.

As for the Epic Store... Beside (IMO) it being an incredibly shitty practice to have exclusivity to one platform (fuck you too, Origin), there have been several allegations of EGS gathering personal data and forwarding it, without user knowledge. And while they always declined selling that data to Chinese corporations, the allegations keep popping up.
This is purely based on me googling for a couple of minutes though. While I'm hesitant of installing EGS for these reasons, I'm not even sure if they're true.
Fair point, but I feel like customer data collection is hidden in every "DRM System", even Steam.
So, more information is available on the official site, including information about the gun manufacturers.

It seems that every manufacturer has a specific effect, on top of the usual bonus stats. Atlas guns track enemies, Hyperion grants you a shield, Jakobs shoots ricochet bullets, and so on...
On top of that, they mention you can add underbarrel attachments to guns (at least to Vladof guns). Sooo... weapon modding is a thing?
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