[1993] Alive: The Miracle of the Andes


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Alive: The Miracle of the Andes

Alive is a 1993s film which portrays the amazing, true story of a Uruguayan rugby team's plane that crashed in the middle of the Andes mountains, and their immense will to survive and pull through alive, forced to do anything and everything they could to stay alive on meager rations and through the freezing cold. The only thing the team has riding on after losing so many of their good friends and family members is the slim chance of making it through alive and their faithfulness to God.

This is on TV currently but I'm not watching it for the 3rd time. The first time I was too little to understand it fully, however the story is quite rough. But what's involved in the real crash and moviemaking is quite interesting.

IMDB: Alive
The wikipedia article about the real life crash is Uruguayan Air Force Flight 571

The movie is an amazing story. Specially if you read about it closer on Wikipedia.

Something interesting:
[*] In the film, the arrival of the rescue helicopters comes as an overwhelming surprise to the survivors in the fuselage. In real life, they actually heard in the news on their radio that Nando Parrado and Roberto Canessa had reached safety. The survivors then prepared for the arrival of the rescuers by putting on the best clothes they could find, and even brushing their teeth and combing their hair.
[*] The crash sequence took nine days to film. As the set was mounted on a huge gimbel, most of the cast were taking motion sickness pills as they spent a large amount of time being tossed about.
[*] The film's main location was the ski town of Panorama in the Canadian Rockies. To get all 150 cast and crew members to the location every morning took a fleet of five helicopters.

Just gotta love this movie. Epic
Definitely going to check this out, thanks for the info, Andre !

BTW Movie Poster;

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