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  1. iw0nd3ryth0

    Red Dead Redemption 2: General Discussion

    BUMP. Am I the only person who thinks RDR2 is, well, a crappy game? Don't get me wrong, its beautiful to look at, but it's so hard to get into. I don't really feel anything for Morgan or the gang, and the ending was ruined for me (although I could see it coming, not the particular reason but...
  2. iw0nd3ryth0

    What are you listening to right now?

    Yeah, I have a thing for classical music at the moment.
  3. iw0nd3ryth0

    Do you hear “Cause I’m a paper chaser” or “Cause I’m a big fucking slut”?

    Paper Chaser 2/3 times, then the other one Brainstorm 1/2 times, then Green needle Just had to tell my brain what I was listening for and I'd hear that particular phrase. P strange.
  4. iw0nd3ryth0

    Well damn, your fav Aussie is back

    Need I say more? Forgot my password (or that dastardly Mave deleted my account). So, what have I missed?
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