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    The Toyota Supra From Hell

    Its taken foreveverrr to save up, im very hesitant to spend any of it
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    The Toyota Supra From Hell

    I only have 20G laying around, and he doesnt wanna budge on price :C
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    The greatest beer ad ever

    BAH i just realized that the word beer was in there xD bob saggot.
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    The Toyota Supra From Hell the one that flies around my hometown. Too bad I'm still on my civic build :C
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    The greatest beer ad ever

    Idunnooo :P this one is pretty halarious :)
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    Unban Request (here we go)

    I got nothin else to do. 3AM and aint shit on TV haha. But i guess ill take my leave. Best of luck to nimph.
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    Unban Request (here we go)

    What happened :/? What did he do to get banned?
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    TheMaveSite's official Mumble server

    The mumble server is kinda lonely, I could use some company more often! I lurk there frequently if anyone wants to join, I don't bite i promise.
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