Fallout Games Surpass 5 Million Players in One Day Following TV Show Success


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Fallout Games Surpass 5 Million Players in One Day Following TV Show Success

Fallout is once again one of the most popular video game franchises on the planet. Despite having not seen a new release since 2018 with Fallout 76, Prime Video's new Fallout TV series has proven to be a gateway for many lapsed fans (or perhaps new ones) to return to some of the older entries in the franchise. Now, this has resulted in a gargantuan revival of Fallout games of all sorts, with the multiplayer-centric entry perhaps leading the charge.

In a new post on social media, Bethesda announced that it had recently seen over one million players dive into Fallout 76 in a single day. Although specifics weren't provided, it's assumed that this is one of the highest player counts that F76 has seen since releasing nearly six years ago. Beyond this, Bethesda also reported that all Fallout games as a whole were able to hit 5 million players in one day. Based on Steam data, Fallout 4 and Fallout: New Vegas have been the two single-player titles to garner the most players in recent weeks.

Source and more: https://comicbook.com/gaming/news/fallout-games-bethesda-f76-f4-players/

Deserved? Probably, haven't seen the show myself but heard great things.
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